Where’s Your Place of Creation?

I got my a$$ back into a yoga class today. I haven’t been there in awhile. I’ve had a lot of great, very reasonable excuses…I mean reasons: moving my business to a new and bigger location, coaching my amazing clients, hitting the weights at the gym with my hubby, walking with a friend, networking, time with my family, travel, acupuncture, …

Clean Out Your Mental Junk Drawer

Do you ever feel stressed out with the insane length of “to-do” items on your list? Do you ever feel overwhelmed and frustrated by all that you think you have to get done? Do you ever get so task focused that you miss out on all the day-to-day connection and fun? These questions come from the common theme of overwhelming …

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving! As I sit here thinking about this blog post, I am asking myself, “what message do I most want to share? What info has the potential to be most helpful to you today?” This is always something that I struggle with because I am always searching for something profound, something earth shattering. The thing is, today I was …

Mindfulness Hike

This weekend I went on a hike in the Metroparks with my dog, something I do all the time when the weather is nice.  As I was getting ready, I stuffed my ipod and headphones into my pocket, as we usually do a little trail running and music is my go-to motivator.  As I started on the path, I was …

Are you supportive?

What does it mean to be supportive?  Well, when I typed this exact question in to a Google search this was the definition “providing encouragement or emotional help.”  This pretty much hits the nail on the head.  The song Lean on Me by Bill Withers also sums it up perfectly (click to listen)! We all need support of some type …

Simple IS the Solution

After one of my recent Simply Stress Less presentations someone approached me, sharing their surprise that what I was suggesting seemed to be so simple. “Yep, that’s right,” I replied, “simple IS the solution.”  Somewhere along the line we have made things overly complicated in an attempt to make things more convenient.  What I coach people on is how to …

De-Clutter to De-Stress

10 Healthy Habits to Simply Stress Less Tip #5 De-clutter to de-stress.  Take the time to organize your environment and create on the outside how you want to feel on the inside.  Do some spring cleaning and practice letting go of the old while you make space for the new.  Clutter in our environment can create a lot of static …

5 Tips to Communicate Not So Great News

Over the years I have coached many people in the development of communication skills.  The way in which we communicate can either add to or alleviate stress.  For some reason this topic has been especially present in my life over the past few weeks.  I have had to deliver and receive some “not so great news” and also coached several …