Shifting Into Choice

Feeling stuck, trapped, or out of options are on my least favorite feelings list. How about for you? There was a time in my life when this was the norm. I was a complainer, and I often felt like I was a victim of circumstance. I didn’t physically feel good, and it clouded how I saw the world. I used phrases …

Where is Your Balance

I was talking with one of the Total You Cleanse participants today, and she was sharing about feeling conflicted with her participation in the program. She asked if it would be okay to focus on a few specifics things instead of following the program in its entirety. Absofreakinlutely! I validated her thoughts and feelings and welcomed the opportunity to customize …

Wanna Know the Truth?

When you look into the mirror, you don’t see the real you. You are distracted by all of your imperfections, self-judgments, and comparisons. You feel tired and worn out by working so hard at keeping up appearances. Fear drives your thoughts, words, and deeds. I get it, I’ve been there too. I spent much of my life hating the way …

How to Get Back Up

Have you ever felt like life karate chopped you in the throat and finished it off with a kick to the gut? Whether it’s a flat tire making you miss an important meeting, a colleague treating you like crap, or a “blown way out of proportion” fight with someone who matters most, it sucks. These experiences often leave you feeling …

Here I am, speaking my truth

I want you to know that I have been avoiding telling you my story.  I’ve been afraid that you were going to judge me, think that I’m not capable or that I am weak. The truth is that I am neither of those things, but my fear has been a bit stronger than my faith until today. The reality is …

Feel Fabulously Free

I like this.  I don’t like that.  I want this.  I don’t want that.  Constantly we are making judgments about our preferences and these judgments are what guide our choices.  But judgments can become problematic and we can become judgmental about everything!!! I realized this when I was walking with a friend last Monday.  It’s a new a.m. routine that …

Health Coaching and Mayflies

Health coaching is an ideal career for me; it ignites a passion inside of me and allows me to connect my profession with my values and belief system.  Health coaching is a relatively new career for me although I have been working with people to achieve change for the better part of the past decade.  The other night while practicing …