but you're not sure what....or how...

But what is that change exactly?

And how do you even begin to figure out how to make it happen... The idea of it is so overwhelming that you stay superglued to exactly where you are: putting out fires all day, saying yes to too many things, constantly questioning yourself...and feeling too exhausted and overextended to do the things you enjoy like meeting friends for happy hour or going for a run after work.

I get what it’s like to be caught up in the spin cycle of life. That was me.

Working a demanding job, overwhelmed navigating unexplained infertility, and trying to find the time… and energy to enjoy life (but instead constantly feeling like I was letting myself and everyone else down). And then in 2009, the bottom fell out.

I was 14 weeks pregnant when I experienced a miscarriage—2 years into what ended up being a 7-year journey with unexplained infertility.


I felt so broken and lost —and I knew that if I wanted to make it through, I couldn’t keep going as I had been. But how do you move forward when life throws you a curveball? How do you find happiness while also dealing with something really freaking hard?

What I learned changed my life and inspired my business. It's why I do what I do. Because we all face hard things—whether it’s infertility like me—a divorce or a health scare, the loss of a loved one or overwhelming debt, a job that’s sucking the life out of you, or even a global pandemic—and it doesn't mean you deserve it or you're doing anything wrong...or that there's something fundamentally wrong with you— it's just how life goes. It's one big mashup of the good, the bad, and everything in between.

Happiness isn’t about life going perfectly, it isn’t about always being positive or keeping it together all the time or things working out the way you thought they would. It's about living each day in line with who you are and what you want. It's about being able to be yourself, do work that matters, and enjoy your day-to-day. And it's about doing the things every single day to take care of yourself so that you feel good and can actually live in this way.

let's work together
  • One of my biggest strengths is my ability to creatively problem solve most things (one of the reasons I'm so great with helping my clients figure out what's next)
  • I genuinely love the work that I do
  • My most favorite projects of 2022 are launching the Vision Mastermind and writing my first children's book.
  • Thank God for this gift.
work with me
  • "If there was a problem, yo I'll solve it" is kinda my these song line. So if you're  stuck trying to figure out what's next or how to make it happen, you want this skill set in your corner.
  • I'm bringing 16+ years of experience to the table and can talk business strategy, healthy habits, mindset, which means you don't need to work with 5 million different people. 
  • I don't believe in positive vibes only, but I can teach you how to develop a positive, reality based mindset so you can handle life's curveballs when they get thrown your way. 
  • I love reading research on the human brain and behavior as much as I love charging my crystals under the full moon 😉 so you'll have a lot of different health, life, & mindset strategies to choose from. 
  • Life is hard sometimes. But the hard times don't have to hijack your happiness. And I'm here to help you figure out how to ride that wave by taking time for yourself + doing what makes you happy. It truly is that simple...but it definitely takes some work.