Beautiful Brussels Sprouts

I have not loved, liked, or enjoyed Brussels sprouts for most of my life. I vaguely remember some not so great go round with them as a kid, and then avoiding them ever since. I was perfectly content to never eat these little baby cabbages ever again.  But then a few years ago Mark ordered them at a restaurant, so …

Simple IS the Solution

After one of my recent Simply Stress Less presentations someone approached me, sharing their surprise that what I was suggesting seemed to be so simple. “Yep, that’s right,” I replied, “simple IS the solution.”  Somewhere along the line we have made things overly complicated in an attempt to make things more convenient.  What I coach people on is how to …

Comfort Food

The food mood connection is really undeniable.  Think of a food that you enjoy or from a happy time and it’s hard not to smile.  Think of a food that you ate too much of once or that made you sick and you immediately have a “yuck” type of reaction.  Think of a family tradition type food and well let’s …

Nutty Coconut Chocolate Chip Cookies

Yesterday Mark and I were out running errands…in a snow storm.  We decided to stop for dinner since we were both pretty hungry and with the freezing cold temps and the blowing snow, we just were not really sure how long it was going to take us to get back home.  As I was perusing the menu I noticed the …

Tantalizingly Tasty Truffles

If you are looking for a tasty holiday treat – these are a great option and very easy to make! One of the great things about truffles is that you can get pretty creative AND they are pretty difficult to screw up!  In my next batch I am tossing in some goji berries and we will be taking them with …

Simply Stress Less

Here are some of my favorite ways to “simply stress less” during the holiday season. Get plenty of rest.  I know that I can best respond to all that life throws my way after a good 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep.    Maintaining a consistent sleep/wake schedule, getting outside for some natural daylight, and lavender essential oil all play an important …

Awesome Avocado Smoothie

I am starting my morning with a leg workout at the gym then a walk with a friend and my dog so I need a nutritious breakfast.  I came out to make a smoothie only to remember that I am out of bananas.  Surprisingly I have not yet ventured into the avocado in my smoothie realm but today was the …

Tasty Turnip Tots, Fried Cabbage, and Ground Pork & Apple Sliders

This was our first season participating in a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) and I have to say that I really loved it.  Each week we picked up our bag of local, in season fresh fruits and veggies and I got to play and feel really great about our food choices.  I love the idea of locally sourced foods and I …

“I am craving GREENS!!!”

“I am craving GREENS!!!”  This is the message I received from one of the people who recently completed the 12 day whole food cleanse program that was offered in September.   This statement was amazing because at the start of the program she really wanted to eat hot dogs and Frosted Flakes and was having a hard time letting those items …

I love granola

I love granola.  I really, really love granola.  I love the way it fills my house with that fabulous sweet baked scent.  I love the combination of sweet and salty, chewy and crunchy.  I love to enjoy it with some berries and almond milk or yogurt.  I love it for breakfast or a snack.  I love that Mark (my husband) …