Tips to Stay Active All Summer Long

sneakersThe temperatures are warm, the sun is out and the days are long. Here in Cleveland, OH that’s pretty exciting stuff. And I don’t know about you, but for me this time of year brings with it a burst energy.

It always feels easier to get out and get moving during the warmer months. So if you’re not moving that beautiful body of yours, there’s no time like the present!

Just think, if you get into a groove now, it will be much easier to keep going throughout the year.

Think back to that New Year’s Resolution you made back in January, how’s that workin’ for ya? Is it time to refocus and get back on track?

Personally I think it’s much easier to get my motor running now as compared to the short, dark and freezing cold days of winter.

So if you’re ready, then take some action!

And use these tips to get and stay active all summer long!

1. Set an intention. What is that you want? What will having that do for you? How will your life be impacted? How will you feel when you are living out that intention? Answer these questions and then set a clear, specific and well timed intention for yourself. Write it down!

2. Load up on how it will feel once you’re done. It is so easy to get caught up in the dread of getting started – “it’s going to be hard…I’m going to be sore…I’m tired…I’ve had a long day…I don’t have the energy…I don’t know if I can do this…” any of that sound familiar? Well shift your focus on how you will feel once you’re done. Any time I’m done working out I feel a sense of accomplishment and an energy boost. By choosing to load up and focus on that experience I am much more likely to do it. Think for instance with going on vacation. Focus on the packing and the travel time and you might never make it out the door…but focus on the destination plus fun, adventure or relaxation and you’re raring to go!

3. Track your progress (what you track you attract). If you want to go for daily walks then create a visual system of some sort to track it. Use an app on your phone, a calendar on your wall or create a simple check list to put on your fridge. When you go for a walk, mark it off. I notice for myself that I am much more consistent when I have something to visually track and reinforce my efforts. This works not only for exercise but also for eating habits, money and much much more! Your subconscious mind (which is in the driver seat) works well with visual.

4. Gear up on your positive self talk (encourage and celebrate fabulous you). When you do what you say you wanted to do, celebrate! Look yourself in the eyes and give yourself some love. You deserve it! Know that you are enough and every little step you take matters…And on those days where it was raining or you were tired or you just didn’t feel like it, let that be okay and then commit to making a different choice tomorrow.

5. Connect with an accountability partner/team. The truth is, if you have someone that you are accountable to, you will be much more likely to follow through! Hello coach 🙂 Blast your intentions and progress out on Facebook, tell your family and friends or plan to meet a friend (or group) at the gym, class or park – whatever makes the most sense for you, do it (a combo is great too). Plus it will be really fun to have that extra support and celebration as you rock your intentions and make progress!

And some bonus tips are to give yourself permission to be consistent yet flexible, do what you enjoy and remember to breathe!

[bctt tweet=”Enjoy the journey and the imperfection of it. Know that it is all progress.”]

I’d love to hear which tip you are most excited about. Share in the comments or shoot me a message!

And if you need some added support, know that I am here for you 🙂
