Shifting Into Choice

Feeling stuck, trapped, or out of options are on my least favorite feelings list. How about for you?

There was a time in my life when this was the norm. I was a complainer, and I often felt like I was a victim of circumstance. I didn’t physically feel good, and it clouded how I saw the world.

I used phrases like, “I have to, but I don’t want to” or, “I don’t have a choice.” This only perpetuated my feeling like a victim of circumstance.

But then I realized that although the choices I had might not always be ideal, they existed. There was always a choice of some sort, even if that choice was simply how I wanted to show up in a situation.

It wasn’t until I started to change my diet that I started to see how many choices were really available to me. A whole new world opened up to me. In hindsight, I now see that choosing to take care of my body empowered me to take care of my life.

[bctt tweet=”When you shift into choice, you shift into power.”]

You give yourself the permission to be, do, and have what is best for you in any given moment.

You let go of the need to rationalize or explain how you think, feel, or behave. You make a decision, take and action, and allow it to simply be okay.

When you shift into choice, you take ownership of your life. You choose to show up, to be connected, to be engaged, and to feel alive.

While you may not have a say in everything, you have a say in a lot. The more you seize the opportunity to make a decision and take aligned action, the more you will feel empowered in your life.

Here’s an example: you may not have choice regarding the weather, but you do have choice regarding what you want to wear.

Take ownership of your choices. Make decisions. No more, “I don’t know” or “whatever.” It’s fine to be flexible and considerate, but show up and take action.

Your voice matters and you’re not doing anyone any favors (especially to yourself) by playing the martyr or the victim.

How will you shift into choice and show up today?
