Feel Fabulously Free

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I like this.  I don’t like that.  I want this.  I don’t want that.  Constantly we are making judgments about our preferences and these judgments are what guide our choices.  But judgments can become problematic and we can become judgmental about everything!!!

I realized this when I was walking with a friend last Monday.  It’s a new a.m. routine that I really enjoy.  The leaves are turning and the air is brisk; it is beautiful and invigorating.  We walk through the park for an hour or two and just chat away, teas in hand.  Well after Monday’s walk I had this sudden realization that “oh my gosh I am being really judgmental.”  I was talking about other people’s drama, Facebook pictures, and all that I thought was wrong in the world.  I was spewing out judgments left and right.  This realization struck me like a ton of bricks.  As I reflected on our conversation, I realized that I had allowed myself to get caught up in negativity and even some fear…all leading to an onslaught of judgmental and negative statements.

When I step back and really think about it I am able to acknowledge that my thoughts and behaviors were taking away from all the positive benefits of the walk – the beauty, the fresh air, the exercise, the friendship.  I had allowed my attitude to taint all of those things.  AND  I love these walks but is my friend really going to want to walk and listen to my negativity and judgments???  The recognition of my behavior and the corresponding impact stopped me in my tracks and has motivated me to make some immediate changes.

Passing judgment on others is also a strong indicator that we are passing judgment on ourselves.  Holding ourselves and others up to unattainable standards is not fair, and it acts as a barrier to understanding, gratitude, and acceptance.  I want to feel open and free with myself, with my relationships, and with my life and in order to feel that freedom I must let go of judgment.

I want to cleanse myself of getting caught up in judgment.  I want to let go of things that no longer serve me.  I want to feel free, refreshed, and renewed.  So how am I going to do it???  Well, it’s funny how the timing on things happens.  On Monday November 4th I have a new group starting in the 12 Days to Balance & Thrive cleanse program and I am joining in this round.  While I work to cleanse my body with a whole foods diet, I will work to cleanse my mind and spirit as well.

What is one trait or behavior you are ready to let go of in order to feel fabulously free?  If you are ready to take that next step, join me on the next 12 Days to Balance & Thrive cleanse program.  Happy Cleansing – I am so excited.  I hope you are too!!!