live your life on your own terms
and join a community of other inspiring women doing it too!

- You know something has to change but you're not sure what or how. You need help with that first step.
- You're tired of listening to your own excuses and want to break the cycle you're though?!
- You believe in your bones there's more to life than this, but you just can't seem to see it.
- You want to reclaim your time and your energy. It feels impossible. HELP!
- You want to make a positive impact on the people in your life, and the world around you without getting swept up in it.
It's easy to get caught up in those stressful, hard things in life (your brain was designed to do this)—and because of the very nature of who you are—someone who gives a sh*t about other humans—you’re always stacking more on top of your already full plate.
And these days it seems like all you need to do is load up on some inspiring Target throw pillows, pop on your good vibes only t-shirt, drink a $10 dollar green juice, and woosa your way through. You've tried—it’s.not.working!
Good news: you're not doing it wrong.
Bad news: no amount of positive affirmations are going to change the hard things in life—they're not supposed to. You have to learn how to sit in the suck.
More good news: there is a better way—one that actually works.
Where letting yourself have bad days, keeping it real, and walking away from bullsh*t are just as important as positivity, mindset work, and gratitude.
One where you tap back into your innate creativity, leverage your strengths, learn to trust yourself again, and pursue what you actually want (aka becoming more YOU and infusing that flaming hot Cheeto spiciness into every.single.thing you do).
I'm here to show you that better way.
“I was working my ass off for a private practice feeling trapped and frustrated, but I just couldn't figure out how to start my own private practice. I knew that I could make a bigger impact having my own practice but the steps to getting there were totally overwhelming (and honestly I was scared). Emily helped me to reframe things so that it actually felt possible, she gave me some great resources and provided feedback so that I could get things in motion. I started putting myself out there in ways that were terrifying and I've been totally shocked by the results. I have so much clarity and confidence in what I'm doing now. It's been amazing!"
-Emily, Vision Mastermind client

Grab a coffee and your favorite pen as you dive into this part reflect, part journal, part do the dang thing book where you'll explore who you are and what you want at this point in your life.

Use this self-paced digital course to help you get crystal clear on what's next for you, and then map your path to making it happen with a visual roadmap (aka a vision board that works!).

At this point in time the only way to work with me 1:1 is through my group mentorship program, Happiness on Tap. If you are enrolled please reach out via email for the 1:1 coaching options.

more fun with friends!
What if you could pursue what you actually wanted? Go from spinning out with no time (or energy) to being fully present...loving the work you're doing, laughing out loud with the most important humans in your life...feeling good—for once, like yourself?!
And what if you could make that happen in just 6-weeks time...with a community of other inspiring, like-minded, and bada** women?!
It's my OMG gotta have it mentorship program Happiness on Tap where you learn how to bring more of YOU—your dreams, passions, and purpose—to your life, and take big brave action to pursue what you ACTUALLY want.