Where’s Your Place of Creation?

10933844_711112615670521_3090691690355160891_nI got my a$$ back into a yoga class today. I haven’t been there in awhile. I’ve had a lot of great, very reasonable excuses…I mean reasons: moving my business to a new and bigger location, coaching my amazing clients, hitting the weights at the gym with my hubby, walking with a friend, networking, time with my family, travel, acupuncture, fertility treatments…and life. Let’s be real. We live in a day and age where there are a lot of things on the to-do list, and it can be a challenge to pick and choose the priorities when everything seems super important. To top that off, being busy seems to be the hip and mainstream way to be these days. So, over the past year, I’ve been very hip, and I’ve had a lot of different things that have presented themselves as distractions to not only my yoga practice, but also my place of creation.

I actually did not realize that until today. I know that I’ve been running, never really feeling caught up. I know that I’ve felt stressed and overwhelmed. I know that I’ve felt stuck. What I did not know is that I was totally blocking my creative space – that part of me that feels loose, relaxed and free, that part of me that just flows. Sure, that piece of me has made appearances, but it’s been more the exception than the rule. I’ve been recognizing that I needed a change for some time, but it took me awhile to feel like I could commit to the change, that the busyness was stable enough that I could take a time out. I’ve been working towards blocking my schedule for the past several months and this is the first week that I am actually doing it!

So, like I said, I got my a$$ back to a yoga class today. I set my intention to “just be” and I did just that. And as I moved my body with my breath, I felt the flow. I felt the energy shift. I felt openness happen. I’ve taken yoga classes before, and I’ve always been a fan, but I’ve not ever experienced anything like I did today. I think that partly has to do with how I allowed myself to settle down last night. I took a relaxing detox bath, and I put on Paolo Nutini on Pandora. I didn’t try to read or think. Instead, I closed my eyes and I listened. I allowed myself to loosen, to let go, and to open. I allowed my imagination to active and create the vision of myself and my life that I want to embrace. I allowed myself to just be for a little while.

So, when I got my a$$ back to yoga today, it was an extension of that process that I started the previous evening. It wasn’t about healing or forgiving or growing; it was just about being. And that’s when I realized that is my place of creation! I literally have felt myself turn on over the past 24 hours, and it feels soooooo good.

Normally, I am a doer. I get things done. I learn and integrate. I think and implement. If there is a barrier, obstacle or problem, I bust my butt to solve it, and usually I do. It’s an exhausting but easy cycle to get caught up in. Do you have a cycle that you get caught up in? Do you ever feel like a hamster running on a wheel? If so, I encourage you to take a step off and ask yourself, “in what ways have I become so caught up in my daily routine that I’ve disconnected from my place of creation?” Have you pushed pause on creating a life that you love? Where is your place of creation? How can you reconnect, push play, and start loving the life you are living again?
