I walked a bear and fought an alligator…

Wilson blog post (1)Well, kind of…

So here’s the story…

Every spring Mark and I take a road trip south. This year our destination was sunny (and 85 every single day) Naples Florida.

We stayed at my aunt’s house, in a small community on a golf course, surrounded by lush greenery and lots of nature.

That’s where it happened.

I wanted to be outside every single minute. It was warm, sunny and green. (I was coming from cold, icy and grey).

Pool, beach, jogs, walks…you name it, I was in.

And so were the little critters that were everywhere. They too were in for all things outdoors because well, that’s where they live. (I especially loved the geckos, so cute!).

So back to the story…

One morning after my jog, I walked a bear. Well…he looks like a bear, but technically he is a Newfoundland. A handsome fellow, and so playful too! (check out his pic!)

He loved to walk through the brush…and there was this swamp….

And I was 100% sure that alligators lived in the swamp. I was also 100% sure that an alligator was going to come after us (because rumor has it that alligators like to attack dogs so you have to be super careful).

In my mind I had the scenario played out clear as day; this is how it went… I was walking Wilson (the dog that looks like a bear) and he was spotted by an alligator. The alligator then came running after us (and they’re super-fast and we’re not). Then I had to fight off a very large, fast and ferocious alligator to save the bear dog and myself.

But wait, maybe the gator would be afraid of the dog because he was as big as a bear….

But just in case, I needed to have a strategy. I created a plan in my head so that I could be prepared. And I was on alert for our ENTIRE WALK! So in my head I had created this scenario where an alligator came out to attack us and I had a plan that might work…or if it didn’t, we’d both be gator lunch.

It was sooooooooooo real in my head.

Ever have that happen to you?

You think something terrible might happen, or you’re sort of sure that it will, so you think about it, prepare for it and worry about it….and then…guess what???

It never happens!

This is a shining example of how our minds can totally hijack a situation and create this absurd scenario that we believe to be true.

It prevents us from having fun and enjoying the moment. (It can actually be part of an upper limit problem that I’ll talk about in a blog coming your way soon).

Nothing bad actually has to happen for us to believe that something bad could (or will) happen.

So what is one to do???

Well, you’re already playing a great game of “what if…” so what if you flipped it around?

This what if game can come in pretty handy. Make a list of all your negative beliefs and fears, then for each one, write what if…and the opposite or any different possibility. Allow yourself to really brainstorm and get creative here! Open up to all of the possibilities, this allows for some loosening of the belief you are holding to be true.

We all think that we are much better at predicting the future then we actually are…in theory, it helps us to feel safe.

But in reality it keeps us stuck and making decisions from a place of fear.

Belief shifting is the number one thing I work on with my coaching clients. It is amazing to witness the profound impact of a mindset shift.

Now you give it a whirl….

And if you’re ready to really create lasting transformation, book a breakthrough strategy session with me ASAP (I’m opening up just 5 for April) – you’ll be amazed at all you can do!

To creating space for both sides of the what if,
