A few Christmases ago, when we went to Mexico for the holiday, I had the great idea that Mark and I should consolidated our luggage. So I bought a big suitcase from one of those Today Show Steals and Deals—without paying attention to the dimensions.
Because of this, Mark and I ended up traveling with a big ass suitcase, and I ended up taking with me waaaaaay more than I needed.
The cherry on top was that we were over the checked bag weight limit so I had to awkwardly stand their holding up the line unpacking things from our suitcase and stuffing them into my oversized travel purse. #yikes
Since then, I’ve gone from chronically overpacked to lightish traveler—because really, how much sh*t do you actually need to take with you?
When you take more than what you want, love or need, you just end up feeling weighed down and frustrated…
Kind of like in real life.
When your world feels cluttered in some kinda way—everything feels heavy.
Clutter comes in the form of literal stuff—like the clothes in your closet, the food in your freezer, the expired/unused spices in your pantry, the miscellaneous crap in your car, the makeup you don’t use—the list goes on and on.
AND clutter comes in the form of less tangible stuff—like self doubt, worry and fear, relationships, obligations, unmet expectations and past disappointments, unlearned lessons, memories that keep you stuck in sadness and loneliness, and finances.
Clutter is absolutely anything that gives you that heavy, weighed down feeling (like you’re hauling around an excessively large suitcase full of unnecessary sh*t that mostly just gets in your way).
It’s ALL of the stuff that steals your focus and distracts you from your life.
And now is one of those really great times to survey all of that stuff and make some decisions about what you’re ready to unpack and leave behind.
To do this, ask yourself—what am I ready to clean up, clear our or let go of?
And then go do that—maybe it’s a quick clean out of your makeup drawer (checked mine off the list this morning) or a shelf in your closet (my kiddos closet and toy chest are on the list for tomorrow). Or maybe it’s journaling to look back on the year and decide what you want to leave behind (lessons, themes, distractions)—click here for 3 q’s to help.
Let go of what you don’t want, love or need so that you don’t bring it with you into the new year. You’ll enjoy life much more when you’re not weighed down or dragging old stuff with you anymore!
What’s one thing you’re ready to leave behind? Let me know how it went in the comments below!