Find the Time for What’s Most Important

Your day to day life determines your happiness.

It’s not the vacations and the time off. The summer cookouts or the monthly bookclub with your closest friends. Yes, those events are part of it, but it’s really about what you’re doing on Tuesday at 2pm.

It’s the way in which you live your everyday life that determines how much you enjoy it. And there’s truly no time like the present to take a step and look at what’s contributing to your overall joy, and what’s hijacking it.

Because we might all be in this weird holding pattern right now, and what the future holds is still unclear, but you do get to take an active role in deciding what you want your life to be going forward.

And it starts with simply asking yourself that question, what do I want my life to be going forward? And then pay attention. 

Last week my hubby, kiddo and I were sitting by our pond skipping rocks when I had a – yes, this is it – I want more of this – kind of moment. Unstructured, totally laid back, present and in the moment.

And I’m not even kidding you – a butterfly landed right there next to me on the giant raised tree root I was sitting on – as if to say – yes, pay attention to this. 

So today, ask yourself what you want your life to be going forward, and then pay attention to those – yes, this is important, I want more of this – kind of moments.

Notice what you’re missing right now, but never really had the time for before, and notice what you’re relieved to not have to do, but seemed to always being doing in your old normal.  This will help you to realign your priorities.

This is your chance to recalibrate. To get clear. To look for the signs. And to create a new normal that’s much more aligned with who you are and the life you most want for yourself. 
