Are you being duped by Superfoods?

SuperfoodsEvery time I open my web browser there is a new list out of the top performing “super” foods.  One day it’s wild caught salmon, the next it’s watercress, then it’s blueberries…the list goes on and on and on.  Then there is the added confusion of supplements and superfood products marketed with fantastic promises of quick fixes to save us all.  “Superfood” is  a health buzzword that everyone is paying attention to because these foods have developed the reputation of being able to protect you from death, disease, and aging (who doesn’t want that?!).  The public now seems to be looking to superfoods as the saviors for our current health crisis, but in all fairness, that is A LOT of pressure!

Superfoods are nutrient dense foods that are considered to be superstars.  The good news is that most whole foods, especially fruits, veggies, herbs, and spices, show up on one of the many lists out there.  The bad news is that there are so many different lists it has become overwhelming and confusing.  To complicate the superfood situation even more, companies have isolated specific nutrients and now sell highly processed products marketing them as the same or better nutritional powerhouse.

If you are buying into the marketing hype and believing that one single stand-alone item can revolutionize your health, then you are being duped by superfoods.

My take on superfoods is a little different.  First of all I think most whole foods are pretty super.  By eating a variety of nutrient rich whole foods you are allowing each food to really shine like a diamond and be a rock star in your body.  I worry that when we focus on the various lists out there we become too narrow in our focus and miss the big picture – a variety of foods grow because your body needs a variety of nutrients.  Eat them.

So my list of superfoods is focused on nutrient superstars that will give a boost to an already varied nutrient dense diet.  If you are looking to superfoods to balance out the negative effects of the doughnuts, pop, pizza, and fries you eat regularly…well let’s be honest, that’s not going to happen.  These are add on items that will help take you to the next level and increase the likelihood that you are meeting your nutritional needs.  If you don’t like an item on this list, don’t put it in your body.  Lucky for you there are abundant options.  And remember – too much of a good thing can be bad too – variety is key.

  1. Macasupports endocrine system balance
  2. Goji Berriessupports general health and well being
  3. Cacaosupports the removal of free radicals and reduced inflammation
  4. Gingersupports digestive health and immune function
  5. Turmericsupports nervous system, liver, and cardiovascular function, anti-inflammatory activity
  6. Chia Seeds supports digestive, brain, and bone health.
  7. Hemp Seeds supports heart, brain, and digestive health.
  8. Matcha (green tea powder)supports immune function, mental clarity, and mood stability.
  9. Maqui supports immune function and anti-inflammatory activity
  10. Acai supports immune function and cellular health
  11. Cinnamon supports cardiovascular and digestive health, blood sugar stability, and anti-inflammatory activity
  12. Garlic  – supports immune function and cardiovascular health
  13. Raw honey supports healing, digestive health and nutritional benefits (local honey is best).

Have you not yet heard of some of these?  Do you want to know what makes each “super”?  Wondering which may be especially helpful to you and your diet?  If you answered yes to any of these questions and you are ready to learn simple ways to incorporate these items into your diet, join us from August 11th – 22nd for the Total You Cleanse:  12 Days to Balance & Thrive.  The superfood ingredients are featured throughout the program and you will have consistent coaching support to take your health to the next level.  Want to start something now?  Then click on the “free consultation” button, fill out the form, chat with Emily, and change your life!