Are you afraid of making the wrong decision?

Are you afraid of making the wrong decision? btDo you ever feel afraid of making the wrong decision?

I know I do – like every single day.

How should I launch this new program? What’s the best way to get my peanut to sleep? Should I publish this post? What’s the best way to transition to solid foods? Should I start a new blogging site? What’s the best way to save for college?

This is just a quick snap shot of what’s going on in my head right now. Different versions of the same questions keep coming and they swirl through my mind every single day.

I want to do it all! I want to do it all really well. AND I do not want to screw any of it up!

Why? Because it’s all really important to me.

For a lot of us important decisions can trigger the fight, flight or freeze response – we get stuck in indecision – and we do nothing!

We are afraid of making the wrong decision, of screwing up and of having no one but ourselves to blame – yikes!

So what’s one to do??? Well, first read my Huffington Post article about it here.

And then take a few deep breaths, thank your fear for showing up to protect you and clue you in on what’s really important and then take one action – big or small – just act. Choose. Decide.

Do something – anything to get out of your head – you’re not going to find what you’re looking for in there anyway!

Here’s to making decisions and taking action!


P.S. If you’re feeling stuck – not sure which way to go AND you’re ready to set some goals to make some things happen I’d like to invite you to join me on September 22nd for an online group program – get the details here.

P.P.S. Keep your eyes out for details on the local “Make it Happen” meetings starting later this month.