Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

It was a little rainy yesterday, but we decided to head to Cedar Points Water Park anyway. I keep things pretty low-key in my life these days…having a whole theory about how I’ve lived my 9 lives and it’s time take it easy ;). But somehow my sister and husband convinced me to climb several flights of stairs and get …

Quick Way to Refocus

If you’re like most of my clients (and honestly most people that I know), life gets busy…and you get distracted.   This is why at the beginning of each month (on the HH calendars), I ask you the same thing: what will you do this month to connect with how you most want to feel? It gives you a quick opportunity to …

You Can Change Your Life

Yesterday one of my clients sent me this message, “Thank you for teaching me this.” Along with a video about how you can change your life at any moment.

Goal Setting—Step 1

Would you love to be part of the 8% of people who actually follow through on their goals? If so, start by answering this question: If you could have anything, what would you want?  Know exactly what this is first. Is it more adventure, happiness or money? Is it more balance, family time or more meaningful work? Is it someone …

Need some daily inspiration?

I believe that living a happy and fulfilling life isn’t about life going perfectly, it’s about living each day in line with who you are and what you want. And each month, I create these calendars to help you do exactly that.  They’re a special gift for my community.

Turning Lessons into Action

Happy New Year!! So many people have been anxiously waiting for this year to end. And while I will say this year has been complicated at best, I’m not willing to put it into the “worst year ever” category. A lot was brought to the surface—and it clearly needed to be—because you can’t change what you’re not aware of.  That’s true …

3 Questions to End the Year Strong

This year’s definitely been one for the history books—filled with so many unexpected events and changes, and it’s called many of us to rethink what truly matters and how we want to live our day to day life going forward.

The Key to Success & Happiness in Life

What’s something you’re not good at? Math is one of mine. Wouldn’t it be awful if I spent all day every day trying to get good at math? I’d probably feel pretty bad about myself. I mean, I do remember how crappy I felt in 7th & 8th grade trying to learn Algebra. And yes, I still stand by my …

Skyrocket Your Happiness: How to Make ALL Your Dreams Come True

Do you ever worry that the dreams you have for yourself might not come true? That they’re too big or too small…or maybe that they’re not important enough….That it’s too late or you’re too old…or that there’s just something innately wrong with you… We’ve all worried about some version of at least one of these before BUT there’s good news.

How to Achieve Your Goals in 2020

I love a good plan. Seriously, as far as I’m concerned, there’s nothing quite like sitting down at the start of a new year and mapping out your vision for that year and then creating the goals that’ll help you to make that vision your new reality. Best. Thing. Ever.  But since my 2020 plans were unexpectedly wiped back in …